Punk as Matchstick? draconicverses, October 4, 2011 PLEASE NOTE: THIS IS ONLY SPECULATION AND SUGGESTION ON MY PART. It is in NO WAY meant to be taken in any other way. OK, so I’m a fan of Matt Wagner’s classic comic series, MAGE. For those not familiar with it, it’s about a man named Kevin Matchstick who discovers he is a hero, and is set upon the path to his heroic destiny by the world-mage, Mirth. It’s an excellent story of a cynic who has almost no faith in anything, to discovering the possibility of faith and hope. He’s an everyman who finds himself set up to be anything but an everyman and he must learn how to deal with it and with the ever-increasing likelihood that he will have to become a leader as well as a hero. The book started back in the ’80s with the first of a projected three chapters: Mage: The Hero Discovered run from 1984 to 1986. This was followed nine years later by part two, Mage: The Hero Defined, which takes place a few years after the end of Discovered, and features Kevin more settled into his role as a hero among other heroes, and still reluctantly accepting his leadership of them. The third part, Mage: The Hero Denied still has no release date set though it’s now been twelve years since Defined’s conclusion. I’m also a huge wrestling fan, and have always liked CM Punk. CM Punk has beenĀ an immensely popular wrestler in the WWE in ANY capacity, be it heel (villain) or babyface (hero). His popularity has SOARED recently, proven by his merchandise rising to #1, outselling John Cena. Cena, until now, has been virtually untouched in sales for eight or nine years! This was no easy feat. According to various wrestling sites, WWE is so taken that they actually are looking for movie projects for Punk. He’s also a HUGE comics fan! There’s been a MAGE film ‘in the works’ for years. This brings me to the point of this post. Look at these pictures: Am I the only one who can envision this? Just please note, Powers-That-Be behind both properties, if this gets done, I CALLED IT FIRST, and would at least like a title card. Dracomics Movies CM PunkKevin MatchstickMage MovieMage: The Hero DiscoveredWWE