Why I Want Godzilla: KotM (2019) Dedicated to Haruo Nakajima. draconicverses, August 11, 2017 Greetings, Friends & Fiends. Ye Olde Dragon here. I realize that I might not have been entirely clear on my explanations on why I want Legendary Pictures and Director Mike Dougherty to dedicate their upcoming film, GODZILLA: KING OF THE MONSTERS (2019) to the memory of Haruo Nakajima. In this new video, I hope I made things clearer. I realized that I wasn’t in a good headspace the other day when I made those videos, but as John Astin used to say on NIGHT COURT, “I’m feeling MUCH BETTER now.” Thanks for the views & the ongoing support. Big things are coming, but I’ve put them on hold until next week. Here’s the new video: [youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lXYsBscHYw8&w=560&h=315] CLOSE CHANNEL D… Japanese Monster Movies Movies The Dragon Remembers... GodzillaGodzilla: King of MonstersHaruo NakajimaLegendary PIcturesmike dougherty