Movies Prince Sirki Frees the Genie draconicverses, August 12, 2014 Oh, my Friends and Fiends, I am heartsick. Words escape me. This is beyond a shadow of a doubt, the most difficult Sirki’s Summons that I’ve ever written. I almost can’t write these words, but I have to. One of the funniest men in the world, Robin Williams, has died… Continue Reading
Animation A Very Busy Prince Sirki Closes The Hypnotic Eye, Turns Out the Bat-Signal and Deactivates IDAK! draconicverses, July 3, 2014 Greetings From Beyond the Veil, Effendi. Prince Sirki has been busy the last few days, in regards to the realms of Imagi-Movies & Imagi-TV. Jacques Bergerac will no doubt be best remembered for his portrayal of Desmond, the criminal hypnotist at the center of George Blair’s THE HYPNOTIC EYE (1960)… Continue Reading
Movies Happy FIFTIETH Anniversary, 7 Faces of Dr. Lao! draconicverses, March 18, 2014 Greetings, Friends & Fiends! Ye Olde Dragon here, bearing tides of celebration! Today marks the Golden Anniversary of one of my favorite films, George Pal’s 7 FACES OF DR. LAO (1964). Including my review of Warner Archives’ DVD re-release, I’ve written quite a bit on this gem the last few… Continue Reading
Japanese Monster Movies March Madness, Toho Style draconicverses, March 9, 2014 Greetings, Friends and Fiends! Ye Olde Dragon here, bringing you remembrances of Toho Movies past. You might remember that back in December, I posted a list of all the Toho Tokusatsu (special effects films) released that month in past years. Well, after the drought of January and February, here are… Continue Reading
Japanese Monster Movies Sirki’s Summons – February 5: The Man Who Taught Kaiju How To Roar draconicverses, February 6, 2014 Greetings from beyond The Veil! I’d like to tell you about a symphonic composer, who has certainly gained the majority of his fame in the Western Hemisphere for writing the scores of many Japanese monster movies. He is considered to be one of the four “fathers” of Godzilla, along with… Continue Reading
Animation Prince Sirki Takes Arthur Rankin, Jr. on “The Greatest Adventure” draconicverses, February 1, 2014 Today is indeed a sad day for fans of animation. Last night, at the age of 89, Arthur Rankin, Jr. passed away. Even if you might not recognize the name, you no doubt should be familiar with examples of his work. Together with his production partner, Jules Bass, Rankin practically… Continue Reading
The Dragon Remembers... Sirki’s Summons – January 26: Fezzig, Gen. Aldo & Tangina draconicverses, January 27, 2014 Greetings from beyond the veil, friends and fiends. The names of those summoned by Prince Sirki on this particular day, in the past, are as diverse as can be. In Rob Reiner’s The Princess Bride (1987), he played a gentle giant with a great gift for rhyme (“Anybody got a… Continue Reading
The Dragon Remembers... Sirki’s Summons – January 22: Why So Serious? draconicverses, January 22, 2014 Originally posted on this date in 2012 Continue Reading
News Atomic Batteries to Power. Turbines to Speed… draconicverses, January 15, 2014 Get ready to get out your Bat Shark Repellent and to dance the Batussi! After decades of legal problems, licensing arrangements and questions of rights ownership, one of the most anticipated, and requested, home video releases is coming to fruition. Earlier today Warner Home Video announced (via a tweet from… Continue Reading