Movies Prince Sirki Summons the Master of Stop-Motion draconicverses, May 7, 2013 Greetings my friends. It is with a very heavy heart that I write today’s column. No doubt, many of you have heard by now of the passing of the wizard of stop-motion – or as he dubbed it, DYNAMATION – Ray Harryhausen. I had the privilege of briefly making his… Continue Reading
Movies Happy Anniversary, PERSEUS! draconicverses, June 12, 2012 Wow. Can it really be THIRTY-ONE years since the release of CLASH OF THE TITANS (1981)? Yes. Yes, it is. I saw it in a theatre, before the advent of the multiplex. As a callow youth of seventeen, I knew that the effects were by the same guy that did… Continue Reading
The Dragon Remembers... Sirki’s Summons: January 21: A Producer of Myths and Monsters draconicverses, January 21, 2012 Welcome to the first Summons of 2012. First off, a new header. Please let me know if you like the new one, or prefer the old logo. Thanks. Greetings from beyond the veil. It was just 3 years ago on this date in 2009, that Prince Sirki summoned a man… Continue Reading