Japanese Monster Movies Prince Sirki Summons Hiroshi Koizumi draconicverses, June 2, 2015 Greetings, Friends and Fiends. Ye Olde Dragon here, with sad tidings. Today, at the age of 88, veteran Toho actor, Hiroshi Koizumi passed away. Koizumi was one of those actors you’d recognize as soon as you saw him, even if you didn’t remember – or even know – his name…. Continue Reading
Movies Sirki’s Summons – January 11: The Original Kato draconicverses, January 12, 2014 Greetings from Beyond The Veil, O worthy Friend! Today marks the day, 23 years ago, that an actor as easily recognizable by his voice as well as his face, was called upon by Prince Sirki. He played the Green Hornet’s sidekick Kato, over 20 years before Bruce Lee. He was… Continue Reading