News Prince Sirki Collects Jaws draconicverses, September 10, 2014 Greetings, Guys and Ghouls. Ye Olde Dragon here, with sad news from beyond the veil. One of Imagi-Movies’ (literally) biggest stars has passed away at the age of 74. He played the titular caveman of Arch Hall’s EEGAH! (1962), the brutish Samson, breaker of freaking necks in Robert Aldrich’s THE… Continue Reading
Movies Happy Anniversary, Bruce! (and I DON’T Mean Campbell!) draconicverses, June 20, 2012 Duh-dumm…..Duh-dumm….Duh-dumm And so it began. Thirty-seven years ago today, movies were never the same again. Today saw the birth of the summer blockbuster. The film that started it all? None other than Steven Spielberg’s JAWS (1975) was the fore-bearer of the reign of the summer blockbuster. It was Hell to… Continue Reading